Principle 36 (YP+10)

The Right to the Enjoyment of Human Rights in Relation to Information and Communication Technologies

Everyone is entitled to the same protection of rights online as they are offline. Everyone has the right to access and use information and communication technologies, including the internet, without violence, discrimination or other harm based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics. Secure digital communications, including the use of encryption, anonymity and pseudonymity tools are essential for the full realisation of human rights, in particular the rights to life, bodily and mental integrity, health, privacy, due process, freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and association.


A)  Take all necessary measures to ensure that all persons enjoy universal, affordable, open, safe, secure and equal access to information and communication technologies, including the internet, without discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics;

B)  Ensure the right of all individuals, without discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics, to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, including those concerning sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics, through information and communication technologies;

C)  Ensure that any restrictions to the right to access and use information and communication technologies and the internet are provided for by law and are necessary and proportionate to protect the human dignity, equality and freedoms of others, without discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics;

D)  Respect and protect the privacy and security of digital communications, including the use by individuals of encryption, pseudonyms and anonymity technology;

E)  Ensure that any restrictions on the right to privacy, including through mass or targeted surveillance, requests for access to personal data, or through limitations on the use of encryption, pseudonymity and anonymity tools, are on a case specific basis, and are reasonable, necessary and proportionate as required by the law for a legitimate purpose and ordered by a court;

F)  Take measures to ensure that the processing of personal data for individual profiling is consistent with relevant human rights standards including personal data protection and does not lead to discrimination, including on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics;

G)  Take all necessary legislative, administrative, technical and other measures, including ensuring private sector accountability, as outlined by relevant international standards, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, to seek to prevent, remedy and eliminate online hate speech, harassment and technology-related violence against persons on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics under the framework of international human rights law.